How to reach us?
Location of Maribor
Maribor, the second largest city in Slovenia, situated on the Drava River, is located in the northeast of the country and is easy to reach due to its location.
Distance from nearby countries
It is only 20 km from the border with Austria, 45 km from the border with Croatia, 88 km from the border with Hungary, and 211 km from the border with Italy.
More information
More information about the routes that will take you to the city of Maribor in the fastest and most comfortable way is available on the Visit Maribor website.
Distance from nearby towns
Ljubljana – 127 km
Gradec (Austria) - 70km
Zagreb (Croatia) - 117 km
Budimpešta (Hungary) - 342km
Trst (Italy) – 227km
Distance from nearby airports
Airport Jožeta Pučnika, Ljubljana (Slovenia) – 130km
Airport Gradec (Austria) – 64km
Airport Dunaj (Austria) – 264km
Airport Franjo Tuđman, Zagreb (Croatia) – 128km
Airport Franza Liszta, Budimpešta – 369km
Airport Marco Polo, Venice – 358km